Hi there,

I'm V. Furkan Güner

I create things for the web/mobile.

I'm a software developer working on creating (and sometimes designing) digital experiences. I enjoy solving problems and creating new products. I'm also the founder of a start-up called Soldd.

About me

Hi! My name is Furkan and I like to make things that make people's lives easier. I first started software development in 2015 by learning HTML & CSS. After that, I started to produce various applications by learning JavaScript.

I started learning coding by doing mostly basic HTML and CSS in 2015, but in 2019 I decided to get serious about programming and web development. I had a passion for design, so I spent time learning Figma as well. 2020 I became the co-founder of my own start-up company in.

I have experience with JavaScript frameworks like React and NextJS, as well as HTML5 styling languages like HTML5, CSS3, and Tailwind. My favorite tech stack is Tailwind/NextJS/Prisma with NodeJS backend.

Latest technologies I work on

  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • NextJS
  • Express
  • Prisma
Stay tuned!

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  • Soldd


    2020 - 2023
  • Jotform

    Frontend Developer

    2023 - Currently